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Educational Consulting for Gifted Students

Gifted Education and Support

Parenting a gifted or twice exceptional child comes with a lot of uncertainty. Each child and each family’s circumstances can vary widely even from other families in the gifted or 2e community. One of the biggest requests for support we receive is for various educational consulting services.

It can be hard to know who is the right person to consult with given your specific circumstances, so we’ve broken down some common options for you below.

Young Scholars Program Support

Members of our Young Scholars program can receive free support from our Family Services Team. Our Family Services Team provides insight, resources, and strategies to support families based on the knowledge the Davidson Institute has built over the last few decades and their experiences working closely with Young Scholar families. Our areas of expertise include profoundly gifted and 2e parenting strategies and resources, social-emotional development support, educational options, goal-setting, and gifted research. You can read out the additional benefits of the Young Scholars program or learn how to apply today.

Gifted Educational Consulting Options

Understandably, many families would like additional support when looking for school and college options. While the Young Scholars program is able to support you in many different ways, in some situations, more direct advocacy or consulting is required. For example, while we can help with general support for college searches, we can’t offer direct college essay writing or application reviews for Young Scholars.

We are aware of the following consulting services that have worked with other gifted families in the past. Please know that we are not specifically endorsing any of these options. We are merely providing these lists so that you can research and select the professional that works best for you.

K-12/General Educational Consultants

College Consultants

Other Support Options

To help you identify who may be a good choice for your child and their goals, you might also find the following articles helpful:


Considering Your Gifted Consulting Options

We often find that many parents and students are on a path that works for them and may just need a confidence boost because it can feel hard, uncertain, and overwhelming to stray from the conventional K-12 path to find what works for your child.  Often the needs of our community look different than those of neurotypical students. Trusting your “parent gut” can be difficult at times, but after all, you know your child best!

 To help you tune into your parent gut and figure out which resources and supports may work for your gifted child, here are some general ideas to consider before hiring a consultant include:

  • Have a family meeting to collectively decide on the goal of the consultation so that both parents and students are on the same page.
  • Make sure your educational goal is specific and clear. A “good high school” or an “ivy league college” isn’t a specific goal. What qualifies as a good educational experience depends on your child’s interests and their needs, not the school’s rating.
  • Start with the free resources and work your way up towards more expensive options. As you probably know, parenting—especially parenting a gifted or 2e child—is a lot of trial and error. Test out free resources (or free trials) to see what types of resources work for your family before you invest.
  • Expect that this will be a process rather than a one-time cure-all. Many families we work with take a patchwork approach throughout the student’s educational journey, drawing on a variety of resources to find the right fit.
    • For example, perhaps our Young Scholars program and parent community can offer the piece of information you are looking for now. Emailing a state gifted association for school recommendations might be the next step, and then, perhaps, a one-time college application review will be required later down the road. Take it one step at a time, and don’t be afraid to use multiple resources to get the result you need.

As we often say when working with our Young Scholar families, if we had the “Gifted Roadmap,” we’d happily hand it out to all, but unfortunately, this map doesn’t exist. Each child’s path is unique. If you are a parent of a gifted or 2e child who is feeling uncertain or overwhelmed, you’re not alone. Others feel this way too, and there is a whole community here to support you as you help your child pave the path that fits them.

See also:


Next Consultancy

Educational consulting for gifted students involves specialized guidance to meet the unique needs and challenges of exceptionally talented individuals. Here are some aspects and considerations involved in educational consulting for gifted students:

Identification and Assessment:

Consultants help identify giftedness through assessments, observations, and discussions with parents, teachers, and the students themselves.
Assessments may include cognitive tests, academic achievements, and creative abilities to understand the extent of a student's giftedness.
Personalized Learning Plans:

Consultants work with educators, parents, and students to create personalized learning plans that challenge and engage gifted students.
These plans may involve acceleration, enrichment, and differentiated instruction to ensure the curriculum meets the student's needs.
Advocacy and Support:

Consultants often act as advocates for gifted students within educational institutions, ensuring that the necessary resources and accommodations are provided.
They may assist in navigating the educational system to access appropriate programs and opportunities.
Enrichment Opportunities:

Educational consultants help identify and recommend extracurricular and enrichment activities, competitions, and programs that align with the interests and abilities of gifted students.
They may guide families in finding summer camps, mentorship programs, or other specialized experiences.
Social and Emotional Support:

Gifted students may face social and emotional challenges. Consultants provide support and resources to help them navigate these aspects of their development.
They may assist in fostering peer relationships, addressing perfectionism, and promoting a positive attitude toward learning.
College and Career Planning:

Educational consultants for gifted students can offer guidance on college and career planning, helping them explore opportunities that align with their unique talents and interests.
They may assist in preparing for college admissions, including selecting appropriate courses and extracurricular activities.
Parental Education:

Consultants provide information and resources to parents about the characteristics and needs of gifted children.
They may offer strategies for effective parenting and communication to support the development of gifted students.
Professional Development for Educators:

Educational consultants may provide professional development opportunities for teachers and school staff to enhance their understanding of gifted education and effective instructional strategies.
Transition Planning:

Consultants assist in planning transitions, such as moving from primary to secondary school or from high school to college, ensuring continuity in the provision of appropriate educational experiences.
Collaboration with Schools:

Effective consultants collaborate with schools to implement and monitor the recommended strategies, fostering a supportive learning environment for gifted students.
Educational consulting for gifted students requires a deep understanding of the unique characteristics and needs of this population, as well as collaboration with educators, parents, and the students themselves to create an optimal learning experience.

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