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2e Guidebook Resources and Bibliography

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

These references are part of a Davidson Institute’s guidebook, Twice Exceptionality: A Resource Guide for Parents. This list is divided by section. Under each section, you will find:  

  • Links to the Resource Highlights
  • Lists of organizations and articles mentioned within a section
  • Additional reading and resources to explore each topic in-depth
  • Sources cited in the Expert Q & As
  • The complete reference for in-text citations  

Section A: Defining Twice-Exceptionality  

Resource Highlight: 2E Newsletter  

Organizations and Resources Mentioned in Section A  

Additional Reading and Resources  

In-Text Citations from Section A  

Amend, E. (2015). Tips for parents: Twice exceptional students – who are they and what do they need? [Seminar notes]. Retrieved from  

Assouline, S., Foley Nicpon, M., & Fosenburg, S. (2014). The paradox of twice-exceptionality: packet of information for professionals (2nd ed.). Retrieved from   

Assouline, S. G., Foley Nicpon, M., & Huber, D. H. (2006). The impact of vulnerabilities and strengths on the academic experiences of twice-exceptional students: A message to school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 10, 14-24. doi: 10.5330/prsc.10.1.y0677616t5j15511.  

Foley Nicpon, M., & Assouline, S. G. (2015). Counseling considerations for the twice‐exceptional client. Journal of Counseling and Development, 93(2), 202-211. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.2015.00196.x.  

Trail, B. (2011). Twice-exceptional gifted children: Understanding, teaching, and counseling gifted students. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press Inc.  

What’s 2e? (n.d.). In 2e Newsletter. Retrieved October 16, 2016, from

Section B: Identification & Assessment  

Resource Highlight: TiLTAsperger Experts, and Dyslexic Advantage  

Organizations and Resources Mentioned in Section B  

Additional Reading and Resources 

In-Text Citations from Section B  

Delisle, J. R. (2006). Parenting gifted kids: Tips for raising happy and successful children. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.  

Gemert, L. (2016). 8 reasons you should label your kid gifted. Retrieved from  

Krochak, L. A. and Ryan, T. G. (2007). The challenge of identifying gifted/learning disabled students. International Journal of Special Education, 22(3), 44-53. Retrieved from 

Osborn, J. (1998). Assessing gifted children. Understanding Our Gifted, 10(2), 9-12. Retrieved from  

Parenting your twice-exceptional child (2nd ed.). (2010). Glen Ellyn, IL: Glen Ellyn Media.  

Webb, J. T., Amend, E. R., Beljan, P., Webb, N. E., Kuzujanakis, M., Olenchak, F. R., and Goerss, J. (2016). Misdiagnosis and dual diagnosis of gifted children and adults: ADHD, bipolar, OCD, depression, and other disorders (2nd ed.). Tucson, AZ: Great Potential Press.  

Section C: Moving Forward  

Resource Highlight: 

Additional Reading and Resources 

In-Text Citations from Section C  

Baum, S. M., Schader, R. M., and Hébert, T. P. (2014). Through a different lens: Reflecting on a strengths-based, talent-focused approach for twice-exceptional learners. Gifted Child Quarterly 58(4), 311-327. DOI: 10.1177/0016986214547632.  

Foley Nicpon, M., Allmon, A., Sieck, B., and Stinson, R. D. (2011). Empirical investigation of twice-exceptionality: Where have we been and where are we going? Gifted Child Quarterly 55(1), 3-17. DOI: 10.177/0016986210382575.  

National Association for Gifted Children. (1998). Students with concomitant gifts and learning disabilities [White paper]. Retrieved January 17, 2016, from Montgomery County Public Schools 

Section D: The 2E School Experience  

Resource Highlight: Free Spirit Publishing  

Organizations and Resources Mentioned in Section D  

Additional Reading and Resources 

Heidi Molbak – Expert Q & A Resources  

In-Text Citations from Section D  

Delisle, J. (2011). Tips for parents: Doing poorly on purpose: Underachievement and the quest for dignity. [Seminar notes]. Retrieved from  

Faber, A. and Mazlish, E. (2012). How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk. New York, NY: Scribner.  

Galbraith, J. & Delisle, J. (2011). The gifted teen survival guide. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing.  

Trail, B. A. (2011). Twice-exceptional gifted children: understanding, teaching, and counseling gifted students. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press Inc.  

Kottmeyer, C. (2016). The least worst educational option. Retrieved February 6, 2017, from 

Section E: School Advocacy  

Resource Highlight:  

Organizations and Resources Mentioned in Section E  

Additional Reading and Resources  

In-Text Citations from Section E  

Douglas, D. (2017). The power of self-advocacy for gifted learners: Teaching the four essential steps to success. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing.  

Galbraith, J. & Delisle, J. (2011). The gifted teen survival guide: Smart, sharp, and ready for (almost) anything. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing.  

Stocking, V. (2003). Families and schools: Partnership and collaboration. Retrieved from 

Tucker, G. (n.d.). 8 sentence starters to use when talking to teachers. Retrieved from 

Warshaw, M. (2004). Effectively sharing information with schools. Retrieved from 

Section F: IEPs & 504 Plans  

Resource Highlight: Parent Information and Training (PIT) Centers  

Organizations and Resources Mentioned in Section F  

Additional Reading and Resources  

In-Text Citations from Section F  

Bennett, A. & Frank, L. (2009). Special education process: IEP vs. 504 plan. In 2e Newsletter. Retrieved from 

Find your parent center. (n.d.). In Center for Parent Information & Resources. Retrieved from 

Gilman, B. & Kearney, K. (2016). Clarification of federal law as it applies to twice-exceptional students. Retrieved from  

Hanning, J. (2016). Dyslexia and accommodations – New ADA guidelines 2016 for school and work. Retrieved from  

IEP terms to know. (n.d.). In Retrieved from  

Individuals with Disabilities Act 2004 Title 20 U.S.C. §§1400 to 1506 (2015).  

Jones, L. (n.d.). Can a student have both an IEP and a 504 plan? Retrieved from  

Lee, A. M.I. (n.d.-a). 5 options for resolving a 504 plan dispute. Retrieved from  

___. (n.d.-b). At a glance: Your rights in the 504 Plan process. Retrieved from  

___. (n.d.-c). At a glance: Your rights in the IEP process. Retrieved from  

___. (n.d.-d). Evaluation rights: What you need to know. Retrieved from  

___. (n.d.-e). How to consent to some part of an IEP and not others. Retrieved from  

___. (n.d.-f). Informed consent: What it is and how it works. Retrieved from 

Matheis, L. (n.d.). Which is better: An IEP or a 504 plan? In ADDitude. Retrieved from  

Morin, A. (n.d.-a). Parent training centers: A free resource. Retrieved from  

___. (n.d.-b). What to expect at an IEP eligibility meeting. Retrieved from 

Parenting your twice-exceptional child (2nd ed.). (2010). Glen Ellyn, IL: Glen Ellyn Media.  

Public, private, and charter schools: How they compare. (n.d.). In Retrieved from 

Requesting an evaluation. (n.d.). In Retrieved from 

Rosen, P. (n.d.-a). At a glance: What you might hear from school after a special education evaluation. Retrieved from  

___. (n.d.-b). Informal supports for struggling students: What you need to know. Retrieved from 

___. (n.d.-c) Special education: Federal law vs. state law. Retrieved from 

School accommodations and modifications. (n.d.). In Wrightslaw. Retrieved from  

Stanberry, K. (n.d.-a). 7 tips for a successful 504 meeting. Retrieved from  

___. (n.d.-b). Playing a role in the IEP process. Retrieved from 

Strom, E. (n.d.). The difference between accommodations and modifications. Retrieved from  

The difference between IEPs and 504 Plans. (n.d.). In Retrieved from  

Volpitta, D. (n.d.). Can an IEP or 504 plan include something about getting emotional support at the school? Retrieved from  

Section G: Educational Alternatives  

Resource Highlight Gifted Homeschoolers Forum  

Wes Beach – Expert Q & A Resources 

Suki Wessling – Expert Q & A Resources  

Section H: Life Outside of School  

Resource Highlight: Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)

Organizations and Resources Mentioned in Section 8
Questions to ask when researching a summer camp.” by Knox, R.  

Additional Reading and Resources 

  • Supporting Emotional Needs 
  • Supporting Social Needs 
  • Supporting Executive Functioning 
  • Supporting Summer Opportunities 
  • Supporting Siblings 
  • Supporting College Planning 

In-Text Citations from Section H  

Brulles, D. (2011). Parenting twice-exceptional children. Retrieved from  

Executive function. (2017). In Glossary. (n.d.). In Retrieved from 

Helping 2e students to draw on their inner resources. (2013). In 2e Newsletter. Retrieved from  

Muratori, M. (2011). Tips for parents: The gifted child in the family context. Retrieved from  

Probst, B. (2011). When your child’s exceptionality is emotional: Looking beyond psychiatric diagnosis. Retrieved from  

Rimm, S. (2008). Tips for parents: How gifted children impact the family. Retrieved from  

Warshaw, M. & Wayland, S. (2013). Tips for parents: Gifted with challenges – understanding and supporting your twice-exceptional child. Retrieved from 



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