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Homeschooling Twice-Exceptional Children

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Homeschooling twice-exceptional children presents unique challenges and opportunities, balancing their giftedness with special needs. In this insightful article from the Davidson Institute, Meredith Warshaw explores the benefits of homeschooling for 2e children, emphasizing the flexibility and personalized learning it offers.

Davidson Academy Online, an integral component of the Davidson Institute’s offerings, provides an innovative and supportive online learning environment specifically tailored for profoundly gifted students, including those who are twice-exceptional. This online academy complements the homeschooling approach by offering rigorous academics and a community of like-minded learners, making it an invaluable resource for families navigating the complex educational needs of their 2e children.

Homeschooling can be an excellent way to meet the needs of twice-exceptional children, allowing them to use their strengths and preferred learning styles. In homeschooling, it is easy to accommodate a child who is on multiple grade levels — it is not a problem if the child is at a 3rd grade level for writing and an 8th grade level for math. In addition, most homeschoolers are much less age-conscious than schools are and see no reason that every child in a class should have to be the same age, allowing the highly gifted child access to a wide variety of classes that schools would not offer at younger ages. Another benefit for the twice-exceptional child who needs remedial services, such as OT or vision therapy, is that the child has time and energy for these important services rather than being overburdened by sandwiching them in after school or in addition to homework.

It is important to make use of available support networks – find links to state and local homeschooling groups online. It is especially important to contact local homeschoolers because homeschooling regulations vary widely by state and people in your area are your best source of information for learning how the rules are actually implemented in your district.

If you find a local homeschooling group, they often have weekly gatherings, classes, field trips, etc. This is a great way to meet other homeschooling parents, who can give you moral support and practical advice. It may also be an excellent way to give your child some social opportunities.

There are email lists especially for homeschoolers with gifted children. GT-Spec-Home is a very low-volume list for families homeschooling gifted/special needs children.

The book Creative Home Schooling for Gifted Children: A Resource Guide by Lisa Rivero is a wonderful resource. If you buy only one homeschooling book, this is the one. Rivero has done an amazing job discussing the issues involved in homeschooling gifted children and she touches upon special needs as well. I have never read a homeschooling book with so many references, and it also contains a wealth of resources. I highly recommend that you get it — it will reassure your decision to homeschool and provide lots of suggestions.

Some important points about homeschooling:

  • Homeschooling doesn’t have to look like “school at home” (and, for our kids, that’s one of the best parts!)
  • It doesn’t have to be done entirely by the parents — classes, tutors, mentors, online courses and correspondence courses are all useful resources.
  • Learning takes place in many different ways, using many different activities.
  • You do not have to be a perfect teacher to do a better job than the schools with your child. Classroom teachers have to try to meet the needs of a large group of children, while you have the luxury of working with your child as an individual.
  • Homeschoolers can have plenty of opportunity for social contact. In fact, because they are not overburdened with homework, they often have more time for socializing than school children.
  • You don’t have to go at it alone — there is help available both online and in person (local homeschooling groups). In addition, although you don’t need to use them, there are “umbrella schools” available to provide help; some are very flexible while others are quite structured. They can be especially reassuring to the beginning homeschooler and helpful for those dealing with difficult local bureaucracies. However, there is no reason to feel obligated to use an umbrella school.
  • Homeschooling doesn’t have to be forever. It may be right for one year, or several, or the rest of your child’s education — you can make that decision on a year-by-year basis.
  • Homeschooling isn’t for everyone. Neither are public school or private school.

There is a section on homeschooling at the Uniquely Gifted site: Two good articles to start with are “Homeschooling LD/ADD Children: Great Idea or Big Mistake?” by Suzanne H. Steven and “Homeschooling Gifted Students: An Introductory Guide for Parents” by Jacque Ensign

This classic homeschooling joke has more than a grain of truth in it:

Q: How does a homeschooler change a light bulb?

A: First, mom checks three books on electricity out of the library, then the children make models of light bulbs, read a biography of Thomas Edison and do a skit based on his life. Next, everyone studies the history of lighting methods, wrapping up with dipping their own candles. Then, everyone takes a trip to the store where they compare types of light bulbs and their prices, figuring out how much change they’ll get if they buy two bulbs for $1.99 and pay with a five dollar bill. On the way home, a discussion develops over the history of money and also Abraham Lincoln, since his picture is on the five dollar bill. Finally, after building a homemade ladder out of branches dragged from the woods, the light bulb is installed. And there is light.

Homeschooling can indeed be a wonderful way of bringing light back into our children’s educational experiences!

Meredith G. Warshaw, M.S.S., M.A. is a special needs educational advisor, co-founder of the GT-Special email list for families with gifted/special needs children and has a website of online resources for twice-exceptional children at


Linda Sheldon

I homeschooled my twice exceptional daughter for 11 years, and finally, with this article, I feel validated! After being identified as gifted at the Robinson Center at the University of Washington in 1991, she was denied entry into the local public school gifted programs because she tested poorly on public school achievement tests. They would not accept her test scores from the Robinson Center because they were unfamiliar with them.One teacher suggested she could
be accommodated only in a special ed class to address her deficiencies . At home, she thrived, and went on to complete her BA at the University of Washington with a 3.5 average. Where were these programs when we needed them?! We didn’t even have a computer until she was 10! I had to invent a gifted curriculum, circumventing her weaknesses and following her passions. Thankfully, she was a motivated, self- directed learner. Your article is absolutely correct. Homeschooling is made for 2e kids!

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