Davidson Gifted Blog
Food for thought: Is early college entrance an appropriate alternative for you?
For students whose development is markedly more rapid than that of their age-mates, eventually there comes a time when they are academically ready for college-level work at an atypically young age. Yet, early college…
Profoundly Gifted Guilt
This article Jim Delisle addresses common fears among parents of profoundly gifted children. He relates the comments he has heard from parents of profoundly gifted children, such as “I’m not smart enough to help…
Gifted children with Asperger’s Syndrome
This article by Maureen Niehart suggests approaches for the teacher who works with young people with Asperger’s Syndrome. AS is a disorder in the autism spectrum that is observed in some gifted children. Gifted…
The underachievement of gifted students: What do we know and where do we go?
This article by Sally Reis and D. Betsy McCoach reviews years of studies on underachievement among the gifted. It explores some of the problems of identifying these students. The authors also include suggestions for…
The On-going Dilemma of Effective Identification Practices in Gifted Education
This article by Joyce VanTassel-Baska covers the problems schools face in trying to identify gifted students. Some of the issues are discussed and best practices, according to research, are explained. The author advocates above-level…
Thinking Through Early Entrance to College
This article by Paula Olszewski-Kubilius provides many of the questions that must be considered by a student and his/her parents before deciding on early college. The author provides information about the experiences early entrants…
The impact of giftedness on psychological well-being
This article by Maureen Neihart reviews the empirical research regarding the connection between being gifted and psychological well-being. The research reviewed suggests that being gifted in and of itself does not affect a child’s…
Preparing for and holding an effective school meeting
This article is a guide for parents who are meeting with the school to advocate for an appropriate educational program for their child. It covers preparing the meeting, the meeting itself, and the follow-up…
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