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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

The Pivotal Role of Parents in Expanding the World of Young Gifted Children

This article by Joan F. Smutny, Ph.D. provides suggestions on how parents can help young gifted students learn and grow through a variety of options in their local communities. Author: Smutny, J. Publications: Parenting…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

The Gifted Child in the Family Context

This Tips for Parents article authored by Michelle Muratori is from a seminar she hosted for Young Scholar families. She provides advice on how to best interact with gifted students from the family perspective.…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Tips for Parents: Doing Poorly on Purpose: Underachievement and the Quest for Dignity

This Tips for Parents article is from a seminar hosted by Jim Delisle, who offers considerations to remember and suggestions for addressing underachievement. One of my favorite quotes is from English author George Eliot:…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Costs and Benefits of Family Involvement in Homework

This paper presents the results of three 2-year longitudinal interventions of the Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS) homework program in elementary mathematics, middle school language arts, and middle school science. The findings suggest…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Cyberbullying and Sexting: Technology Abuses of the 21st Century

Bullying, and being bullied, has a long history in schools. How does giftedness relate to bullying and being bullied? The Internet and other technology-related devices are particularly suited to nonviolent types of bullying such…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Twice Exceptional Students: Who They Are and What They Need

This comprehensive article focuses on one of the most overlooked and underserved student populations – twice-exceptional (2e) students or those who demonstrate both intellectual giftedness and specific learning disabilities. Although there has been a…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Understanding Parental Guilt: A Gift for Mother’s Day

This Tips for Parents article authored by Dr. Sylvia Rimm is from a seminar she hosted for Young Scholar families on parental guilt. Introduction In surveying the participants in this seminar, there seem to…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

How Gifted Children Impact the Family

This Tips for Parents article authored by Dr. Sylvia Rimm is from a seminar she hosted for Young Scholar families. She discusses that every child influences other children in the family, but because gifted…

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