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Davidson Gifted Blog

Social and Emotional Resources

Types of Problems Gifted Children Face

Gifted children have differently-wired brains that make their experience of adolescence unique compared to their neurotypical age-mates. While most individuals think of giftedness in terms of academics alone, giftedness also applies to a child’s…

Gifted Education and Support

An Educator’s Guide to Gifted Children

An Educator’s Guide to Gifted Children PDF Version I am intense I am asynchronous I am misunderstood I am gifted! I am…intense. Intensity defines me. The further along the IQ spectrum I am, the…

Highlights from Expert Series

Tips for Students: Getting Involved in Scientific Research at a Young Age

The following article shares highlights and insights from one of our Expert Series events, which are exclusive for Young Scholars and their parents. Being involved in scientific research at a young age can be a transformative…

Gifted Education and Support

Homeschooling Gifted Children

Pivoting to Homeschooling Many Young Scholars have been starting school over the last few weeks. Since the Family Consultant Team, a free service offered through the Young Scholars program, serves families across the country,…

Gifted Education and Support

Tips for Organizing Your Homeschool Space

Tips for Organizing Your Homeschool Space If you’re working from home and/or homeschooling now, you’re probably realizing that some of your home space is working for you and some really isn’t, for reasons such…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Tips for Taking Care of Yourself

Tips for Taking Care of Yourself How are you doing? What is life looking like for you right now? As a parent, raising a profoundly gifted or twice-exceptional child, during a pandemic, you’ve probably…

Gifted Education and Support

A Short Guide for Building an Independent Study Course

A Short Guide for Building an Independent Study Course (with an example included!) Gifted children are often interested in topics that aren’t typically offered in traditional school curriculums, or they may be ready to…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

A Parent’s Perspective: Asynchronous Parenting

This article shares the first-hand experience of a parent of a profoundly gifted daughter and son. Anne Cronin describes her initial confusion and the lessons she has gleaned through her journey raising asynchronous gifted…

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