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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted Research

Appropriate Expectations for the Gifted Child

This article by Arlene R. DeVries, M.S.E. talks about how parents and educators can expand their children’s education in creative, unconfined ways by seeing eye-to-eye on appropriate educational expectations. Arlene DeVries is author of…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

15 Year Review: Parenting Twice-Exceptional Children through Frustration to Success

Originally published 15 years ago, this article on parenting twice-exceptional children is still relevant today. The article covers the meaning of twice-exceptionality, how parents can empower their children, creating a safe home environment, nurturing…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Parenting Gifted Children: Challenges & Tips

Parenting any child comes with its highs and lows, but when raising a gifted child, the highs might look like Mt. Everest and lows like the Mariana Trench! The joys of parenting gifted children…

Highlights from Expert Series

Tips for Students: Messaging Extraterrestrials

The following article shares highlights and insights from one of our Expert Series events, which are exclusive for Young Scholars and their parents. Summary Thanks to the Kepler Telescope, we now know that there are many…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Tips for Parents: Gifted Children’s Friendships

This article is from a seminar hosted by Miraca Gross, who provides a must-read on how parents can help facilitate productive friendships for their gifted children and prevent them from becoming “loners.” Gross stresses…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Twice Exceptional: Definition, Characteristics & Identification

Twice-exceptional students (also known as 2e children or students) are among the most under-identified and underserved population in schools. The reason for this is two-fold: (1) the vast majority of school districts do not…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

How can you determine if your baby/toddler is gifted?

We recently received the following message from a parent of a precocious baby: Q: I’m reaching out because I have a 7-month-old baby who, I believe, is gifted. From day one she was very…

Highlights from Expert Series

Writing and the Profoundly Gifted Child

The following article shares highlights and insights from one of our Expert Series events, which are exclusive for Young Scholars and their parents. Our PG kids often amaze us with their precociousness, but we are often…

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