Davidson Gifted Blog
Homeschooling Twice-Exceptional Children
Homeschooling twice-exceptional children presents unique challenges and opportunities, balancing their giftedness with special needs. In this insightful article from the Davidson Institute, Meredith Warshaw explores the benefits of homeschooling for 2e children, emphasizing the…
Twice-Exceptional Schools: Understanding the Characteristics & Benefits
Twice-exceptional, also known as “2e”, students are intellectually gifted individuals who have learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, ADHD, or autism spectrum disorder. Much like their gifted peers, they often exhibit heightened emotional and intellectual…
Why is attunement so essential when parenting a gifted or twice-exceptional child?
We all make mistakes. Most of the time, our parenting mistakes are unintentional. We love our kids and strive to do our best. But sometimes, we misinterpret and misunderstand their needs. We might rely…
The gifted child’s rocky path to adulthood… and how you can help
The transition to adulthood is complicated for most of us. But gifted or twice-exceptional children bring additional challenges to the table that create some unexpected difficulties. Wishful thinking leads us to assume that once…
Gifted Testers and Therapists List
The map below is a tool that can help families find testers and therapists. If you are just starting your gifted or twice-exceptional journey, your first step might be to have your child tested.…
Gifted Asynchronous Development and Sensory Integration
Asynchronous development and sensory integration intervention in the gifted and talented population This article by Anne Cronin offers an explanation of sensory integration, SI dysfunctions, and how it might affect gifted and talented individuals.…
Anxiety and Gifted Children
Anxiety and Gifted Children With anxiety rising, parents are understandably concerned about their children’s distress – it’s our number one duty to see to their wellbeing after all! Parents of gifted and twice exceptional…
What to Consider Before Gifted Testing
Gifted Testing: Why, How, and Where. A Guide to Gifted Child Testing and Therapists Our Davidson Gifted Tester and Therapist map is an interactive tool that can help families find professionals for their gifted…
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