Davidson Gifted Blog
Strategies for Teaching Twice-exceptional Students
This article provides a number of strategies for teachers who work with learning-disabled students, teachers who work with gifted potential, and guidelines for parents. Author: Winebrenner, S. Publications: 2e Newsletter (originally appeared in Understanding…
Social and emotional issues faced by gifted girls in elementary and secondary school
This article by Sally Reis discusses some of the factors that are involved in the social and emotional development of gifted girls. Issues that are faced are explored and factors that help and hinder…
Food for thought: Is early college entrance an appropriate alternative for you?
For students whose development is markedly more rapid than that of their age-mates, eventually there comes a time when they are academically ready for college-level work at an atypically young age. Yet, early college…
Overexcitability and the highly gifted child
This article by Sharon Lind explains how the concept of overexcitability, from the work of Kazimierz Dabrowski, relates to some highly gifted individuals. The author identifies several types of overexcitability. Also offered are strategies…
Gifted Children: Are Their Gifts Being Identified, Encouraged, or Ignored?
This article by Julia Osborn looks at who the gifted are, what the unique needs of these children are including appropriate education, satisfying friendships, and supportive parenting, and what parents and professionals can do…
Thinking Through Early Entrance to College
This article by Paula Olszewski-Kubilius provides many of the questions that must be considered by a student and his/her parents before deciding on early college. The author provides information about the experiences early entrants…
Parent advocacy at the district level
This article by Monique Lloyd explains “Many parents feel powerless when dealing with their public schools; this is especially true of parents with highly gifted children. I reached my end-point the day I realized…
Small poppies: Highly gifted children in the early years
This article by Miraca Gross is a classic on the development and needs of profoundly gifted children in infancy, toddlerhood and the preschool years. It discusses some of the hallmarks of extreme precocity in…
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