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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted Education and Support

Gifted Children: Are Their Gifts Being Identified, Encouraged, or Ignored?

This article by Julia Osborn looks at who the gifted are, what the unique needs of these children are including appropriate education, satisfying friendships, and supportive parenting, and what parents and professionals can do…

Gifted Education and Support

Thinking Through Early Entrance to College

This article by Paula Olszewski-Kubilius provides many of the questions that must be considered by a student and his/her parents before deciding on early college. The author provides information about the experiences early entrants…

Gifted Education and Support

Parent advocacy at the district level

This article by Monique Lloyd explains “Many parents feel powerless when dealing with their public schools; this is especially true of parents with highly gifted children. I reached my end-point the day I realized…

Gifted Education and Support

Small poppies: Highly gifted children in the early years

This article by Miraca Gross is a classic on the development and needs of profoundly gifted children in infancy, toddlerhood and the preschool years. It discusses some of the hallmarks of extreme precocity in…

Gifted Education and Support

Highly gifted children and peer relationships

This article by Deirdre Lovecky reviews the research on highly gifted children and peer relationships. The author highlights possible issues with peers for highly gifted children. She also discusses strategies for developing successful peer…

Gifted Education and Support

Mentorship of the Highly Creative

This article details the positive effects of mentoring on a gifted young man. This particular mentorship lasted four years and involved a high school student and two mentors–one of which who resided on the…

Gifted Education and Support

Intrinsic motivation

This detailed article outlines 21 strategies for enhancing motivation in students. Theroux has extensive experience dealing with underachieving students and has been greatly influenced by the insight of Joanne Rand Whitmore and Sylvia Rimm.…

Gifted Education and Support

Acceleration: What we do vs. what we know

This article by Karen Rogers and Richard Kimpston is a review of studies that indicate gifted young people really do benefit from being academically challenged. It states that providing a challenging learning environment will…

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