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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted Resources

Gifted 101: Our Favorite Gifted Parenting Books

In the information age, even basic research on a topic can be overwhelming. With a topic as broad as gifted parenting, the results can get even more difficult to wade through. Busy parents looking…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

The Challenge of Transitions for PG and 2e Profiles

Transitions can be hard for any child, but when you add in the complexities of a profoundly gifted (PG) or twice exceptional (2e) learning profile, the issues with transitions may become more intense. In…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Supporting Emotional Wellness at Home for Gifted and 2e Students

While it is essential to support a child intellectually, it is equally important to nurture a child’s emotional and social life. This is just as true for twice-exceptional students as it is for profoundly…

Gifted Education and Support

Keeping Up in the Digital Classroom

One of the ongoing challenges families are facing this school year is how to keep track of and stay on top of class assignments. Classes may be switching between in-person and remote instruction or…

Gifted Education and Support

Perfectionism: Signs for Educators

Today we are revisiting a Davidson Gifted Database Q&A with Dr. Thomas S. Greenspon, a psychologist and author nationally known for his work with gifted students. He has authored professional and popular articles and…

Gifted Education and Support

Virtual Advocacy

How to Advocate For Your Child Virtually Many of us are learning firsthand how different remote learning is from face-to-face learning. It affects content delivery, socialization, and the school-life balance. As a result, the…

Gifted Resources

Book Lists for Gifted and Avid Readers

Have you ever had a conversation with your five-year-old about quantum mechanics, medieval Europe, or the connection between dinosaurs and birds? If so, you are probably a parent of an avid reader. For many…

Gifted Resources

The intellectual and psychosocial nature of extreme giftedness

This article by Philip Powell and Tony Haden compares the differences of average, moderately and extremely gifted individuals. The authors explore the psychological difficulties of the highly gifted, especially in terms of self-esteem and…

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