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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted Resources

The intellectual and psychosocial nature of extreme giftedness

This article by Philip Powell and Tony Haden compares the differences of average, moderately and extremely gifted individuals. The authors explore the psychological difficulties of the highly gifted, especially in terms of self-esteem and…

Gifted Education and Support

Potential to Purpose and Lifewide Learning

Potential is defined by Oxford Dictionary as “latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.” It can be common to correlate potential to an overall goal of…

Social and Emotional Resources

Existential depression in gifted individuals

This article by James Webb discusses existential depression among gifted young people. He examines what it is, how it may manifest in a gifted child, and what a parent can do to help their…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Planning without a Plan

What helps you plan without a plan? Saying “YES!” Since March, it seems that many of us have been existing in a negative space. This space has been constructed by the places we can’t go, the…

Gifted Education and Support

Basic educational options for gifted students in schools

Joyce VanTassel-Baska explores the options available to educators for working with gifted children by offering strategies to employ with gifted students to prevent them from being bored in the classroom and to challenge them…

Gifted Resources

Gifted Chatter: Some of our Favorite Gifted Podcast Episodes

Today we are taking a look at some of our favorite podcast episodes related to gifted education. See a selection below: TiLT Parenting Podcast – “Terry Roberts, PhD, Discusses His Book “The New Smart”…

Gifted Education and Support

Searching for Gifted Utopia

What would the perfect school look like to you? Do you picture a public school with resourceful teachers and administrators? Do you picture a private school with rigorous academics? When you look around your…

Gifted Education and Support

Elementary Years for the Gifted: Patterns, Strategies, Encouraging Growth

Outside of the profoundly gifted (PG) world, it seems like everyone assumes that elementary school is the “easy” time. Most students are in school full time, so there may be less juggling of schedules.…

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