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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Sensory Issues in Gifted Kids

Sensory Issues in Gifted Kids: A Developmental Overview and Recommendations for Parenting This Tips for Parents article is from a Young Scholar seminar hosted by Beth Houskamp, Ph.D., who defines sensory processing issues and…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

An Educator’s Guide to Gifted Children

An Educator’s Guide to Gifted Children PDF Version I am intense I am asynchronous I am misunderstood I am gifted! I am…intense. Intensity defines me. The further along the IQ spectrum I am, the…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

15 Year Review: Parenting Twice-Exceptional Children through Frustration to Success

Originally published 15 years ago, this article on parenting twice-exceptional children is still relevant today. The article covers the meaning of twice-exceptionality, how parents can empower their children, creating a safe home environment, nurturing…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Twice Exceptional: Definition, Characteristics & Identification

Twice-exceptional students (also known as 2e children or students) are among the most under-identified and underserved population in schools. The reason for this is two-fold: (1) the vast majority of school districts do not…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Twice Exceptional – Smart Kids with Learning Differences

Twice Exceptional – Smart Kids with Learning Differences PDF Version What is 2e? Twice exceptional, or “2e,” children are intellectually gifted and also have learning differences or disabilities. 2e children are doubly different from…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

25 Year Review: Gifted Children – Youth Mental Health

Originally published 25 years ago, this article by Dr. Julia Osborn is still relevant in many ways today. The article covers the special needs of gifted children, giftedness and self-esteem, and recommendations for identification…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

A Parent’s Perspective: The Unexpected Journey of a Lifetime

THE UNEXPECTED JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME: 13 Years of Public School with a Twice-Exceptional Son and the Things I Wish I’d Known at the Beginning Son, what’s our current altitude and direction? A quick…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Making Sense of Assessment Results

This Tips for Parents article authored by Dr. Nadia Webb is from a seminar she hosted for Young Scholar families. She provides a quick Q&A about how to make sense of your child’s assessment…

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