Davidson Gifted Blog
Appropriate Expectations for the Gifted Child
This article by Arlene R. DeVries, M.S.E. talks about how parents and educators can expand their children’s education in creative, unconfined ways by seeing eye-to-eye on appropriate educational expectations. Arlene DeVries is author of…
Twice Exceptional – Smart Kids with Learning Differences
Twice Exceptional – Smart Kids with Learning Differences PDF Version What is 2e? Twice exceptional, or “2e,” children are intellectually gifted and also have learning differences or disabilities. 2e children are doubly different from…
Boredom: A Surprisingly Interesting Topic
This article provides advice on intervention parents can take when their twice exceptional child complains of boredom in school. Author: Yermish, A. Publications: 2e Newsletter Year: March 2008 “I hate this – it’s so…
25 Year Review: Gifted Children – Youth Mental Health
Originally published 25 years ago, this article by Dr. Julia Osborn is still relevant in many ways today. The article covers the special needs of gifted children, giftedness and self-esteem, and recommendations for identification…
Special Education Process: IEP vs. 504 Plan
This article provides information on both the IEP and 504 plans, as well as who qualifies for each of them. Author: Bennett, A. & Frank, L. Publisher: 2e Newsletter Year: January/February 2009 Do you suspect that your…
Helping Your Gifted Child Adjust to Middle School
This article outlines tips for parents of gifted students regarding the transition from elementary school into middle school. Author: Pierson Yecke, C. Publications: Digest of Gifted Research Publisher: Duke University Talent Identification Program Volume: Vol. 7, No. 3…
The intellectual and psychosocial nature of extreme giftedness
This article by Philip Powell and Tony Haden compares the differences of average, moderately and extremely gifted individuals. The authors explore the psychological difficulties of the highly gifted, especially in terms of self-esteem and…
Existential depression in gifted individuals
This article by James Webb discusses existential depression among gifted young people. He examines what it is, how it may manifest in a gifted child, and what a parent can do to help their…
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