Davidson Gifted Blog
A Strengths-Based Approach for Children Who Are Twice-Exceptional
From the Davidson Institute’s guidebook, Twice Exceptionality: A Resource Guide for Parents Pete’s Story In the fall, we asked the school for a 504 Plan, but the biggest challenge we have is that one side of the…
Dabrowski’s Theory and Existential Depression in Gifted Children and Adults
When people undergo a great trauma or other unsettling event—they have lost a job or a loved one dies, for example—their understanding of themselves or of their place in the world often disintegrates, and…
Dysgraphia Q & A
This article contains answers to commonly asked questions about dysgraphia. Publisher: 2e Newsletter Year: May/June 2011 This article was reprinted with permission from the May, 2011, issue of 2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter. Q. What is dysgraphia? A. Dysgraphia is…
The Goldilocks Question: How to Support your 2e Child and Get it “Just Right”
This article examines three situations common to twice-exceptional children and their parents. From them, guidelines to help parents determine just how much support to give their struggling twice-exceptional children are provided. Author: Neumann, L.…
Online Social Science & Humanities Program Comparison
This chart provides a comparison of the most popular online social science & humanities programs used by Davidson Young Scholars. These programs can be utilized in a variety of ways; enrichment, tutoring, curriculum replacement, independent…
Gifted Students and Screen Time
Screen time: How much is too much? How can we unplug more? How can we stop fighting about it? Our children’s days are full of screen interactions from sunup till sundown: their phone alarm…
Gifted children: Emotionally immature or emotionally intense?
This article by Lesley Sword examines the emotional intensity of gifted children in terms of the overexcitabilities that are a component of Dabrowski’s theory of emotional development. Descriptions of emotional intensity are given together…
Reducing Test Anxiety and Answering Test Prep Questions
Reducing Test Anxiety It is common for students to experience test anxiety. For some, the stress of not getting a perfect score can be paralyzing. Others feel nauseous. Their heart beats fast. Their palms…
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