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Davidson Gifted Blog

Social and Emotional Resources

Friendship and the Gifted Child (and the Pandemic)

The following article shares highlights and insights from one of our Expert Series events, which are exclusive for Young Scholars and their parents. It can be hard not to worry about your gifted or 2e child’s…

Social and Emotional Resources

Burnout in Gifted Children

Burnout in Gifted Children The term “burnout” has become increasingly commonplace in our daily lives – whether it is in reference to job burnout, care-taker burnout, and more recently, Covid-19 burnout. So, what is…

Social and Emotional Resources

Keeping the Light in Their Eyes

This Tips for Parents article is from a seminar hosted by Robin Schader. As subjective as it may seem, bright eyes are perhaps the most important indicator of learning – one that we may…

Social and Emotional Resources

Finding a Gifted Therapist for Your Child

Navigating Guidance & Counseling for Gifted Children As parents, we worry. There are times when our children are stressed out, sad, or impulsive in ways that may make us wonder if it is appropriate…

Social and Emotional Resources

Parenting Gifted Children: Challenges & Tips

Parenting any child comes with its highs and lows, but when raising a gifted child, the highs might look like Mt. Everest and lows like the Mariana Trench! The joys of parenting gifted children…

Social and Emotional Resources

Tips for Parents: Gifted Children’s Friendships

This article is from a seminar hosted by Miraca Gross, who provides a must-read on how parents can help facilitate productive friendships for their gifted children and prevent them from becoming “loners.” Gross stresses…

Social and Emotional Resources

Social Media and Gifted Children

When it comes to academic exploration, the internet is a treasure trove of much needed information and stimulation for gifted and twice-exceptional (2e) children. Many parents are willing to let their children explore educational…

Social and Emotional Resources

25 Year Review: Gifted Children – Youth Mental Health

Originally published 25 years ago, this article by Dr. Julia Osborn is still relevant in many ways today. The article covers the special needs of gifted children, giftedness and self-esteem, and recommendations for identification…

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