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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted Research

What Teachers Can Do to Help with Time Management

This article, by Sandra Rief, M.A., focuses on how teachers can help AD/HD students build their organizational and time management skills. This advice can be applied to many students (2e or gifted) who face…

Gifted Research

Exceptionally Gifted Children: Long-Term Outcomes of Academic Acceleration and Nonacceleration

In this article, Miraca Gross discusses the long-term outcomes of grade acceleration versus nonacceleration. Author: Gross, M. Publications: Journal for the Education of the Gifted Publisher: Prufrock Press Volume: 29, p. 404-429 Year: 2006…

Gifted Education and Support

Educators Corner: The Truth About Social and Emotional: Aspects of Grade Skipping

One of the least expensive accommodations a school can use to meet the needs of a gifted student is grade-skipping. If a self-contained gifted program is not available, acceleration becomes a viable option. Unfortunately,…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Helping 2e kids in the transition to college

This article, written by Meredith G. Warshaw, was first printed in the July 2006 2e Newsletter and discusses how parents can help 2e students prepare for college life, including advocating for themselves. Author: Warshaw,…

Gifted Education and Support

Parenting Mathematically Talented Students in 7th Grade and Younger

This Tips for Parents article authored by Ann Lupkowski Shoplik, Ph.D is from a seminar she hosted for Young Scholar families. A number of topics were discussed in this seminar, including program options and…

Gifted Testing and Identification

Intellectual Assessment of Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Children

This Tips for Parents article is authored by John Wasserman from a seminar he hosted for Young Scholar families. He covers 14 great bullet point recommendations on the subject of assessment. The goal of…

Gifted Education and Support

Recommended Questions to Ask for Finding the Best School for Your Gifted Child

We encourage you to ask questions of your district’s school board members, superintendent, principals, teachers, students and parents about educational policy, practices, and learning experiences of high ability students. Here are some items to…

Gifted Education and Support

How parent advocacy groups can make a difference: An interview with Debbie Kring and Juli Moseley

Parent and Advocates of Gifted Education (PAGE) is one of the nation’s leading advocacy groups, which, for over 24 years, has been working alongside teachers, administrators, and the Springfield School Board to provide the…

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