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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted Research

Dual Enrollment: The Right Challenge

This article by Gera Witte discusses the option of dual enrollment in college for gifted and talented students once they have exhausted all of the options available at their high school. Author: Witte, G.…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Tips for Parents: Parenting for High Achievement and Avoiding Underachievement

This Tips for Parents article is from a seminar hosted by Dr. Sylvia Rimm, who lists seven specific tips for parents, and offers an explanation of each. Dr. Rimm touches on topics such as…

Social and Emotional Resources

When your child’s second exceptionality is emotional: Looking beyond psychiatric diagnosis

Written by Barbara Probst, this article covers the second exceptionality typically not thought of when discussing twice-exceptionality – one that is emotional, social or behavioral related. Author: Probst, B. Publication: 2e Newsletter Year: January…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Tips for Parents: What we Know from Longitudinal Studies of E/PG Children

This Tips for Parents article is from a seminar hosted by Miraca Gross, who provides new data on very early developmental advancement and the influence of sound educational planning and decision-making by families. Author: Gross,…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

ADHD and Giftedness: What Do Parents Need to Know?

This Tips for Parents article is from a seminar hosted by Megan Foley Nicpon. She provides a detailed analysis of the issues that gifted students with ADHD encounter. Parents are provided a number of…

Gifted Research

What parents can do to help their children get organized

While this article, by Sandra Rief, M.A., focuses on what parents can do to help their 2e students get organized, the tips provided are relevant to any gifted student who needs assistance with organization.…

Social and Emotional Resources

The Social-Emotional Needs of the Highly/Profoundly Gifted Individual

This Tips for Parents article authored by Dr. Robert A. Schultz is from a seminar he hosted for Young Scholar families. He covers a few of the topics discussed related to the Social/Emotional Needs…

Gifted Research

What Teachers Can Do to Help with Time Management

This article, by Sandra Rief, M.A., focuses on how teachers can help AD/HD students build their organizational and time management skills. This advice can be applied to many students (2e or gifted) who face…

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