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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

2e Guidebook Resources and Bibliography

These references are part of a Davidson Institute’s guidebook, Twice Exceptionality: A Resource Guide for Parents. This list is divided by section. Under each section, you will find:   Links to the Resource Highlights Lists…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

The Writing Can Wait

This article describes how writing is a complex skill that requires not just an agile mind but a set of mental and physical skills that don’t always keep pace with a child’s ability. As…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Tips for Parents: Meeting the Needs of Twice-Exceptional Children

This Tips for Parents article is from a seminar by Meredith Warshaw who offers advice on a number of issues (i.e. assessment, schooling, siblings). Author: Warshaw, M. Organization: Davidson Institute for Talent Development Year:…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Clarification of Federal Law as It Applies to Twice-exceptional Students

This article offers descriptions of clarifications of federal law made by the Department of Justice and the Department of Education to guide practice. These clarifications relate to gifted students with disabilities and should be…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Finding the Appropriate Educational Environment for Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Children

This article provides strategies designed to help parents navigate the convoluted public education system and ultimately find the appropriate educational environment for their child. Author: Postma, M. Publisher: Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

At a Glance: Classroom Accommodations for Slow Processing Speed

Kids with slow processing speed can have trouble keeping up in class, participating in discussions and staying focused. Here are some classroom accommodations that may help. Author: Kelly, K. Publisher: Year: 2015 Processing…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

The DSM-5 and Asperger’s

This article discusses the effects of the latest edition of the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and its effects on those with Asperger’s Syndrome. Author: 2e Newsletter Editorial Team Publications: 2e Newsletter Year: May/June…

Gifted and Twice-Exceptional

Executive Functioning – what is it, why we need it, and how we as parents can support our children’s development

This Tips for Parents article authored by Catherine Gruener  is from a seminar she hosted for Young Scholar families. She provides tips for parents on identification as well as strategies for supporting executive functioning…

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