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Davidson Gifted Blog

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Rethinking Work-Life Balance

How Do We Rethink Work-Life Balance in 2021? We live in a society that places a high value on work. It is not just a necessity to put food on the table, but it…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Making Time Work for You: Two Tips for Families Struggling with Schedules Amid the Pandemic

Rethinking Balance We live in a society that places a high value on work. It is not just a necessity to put food on the table, but it is also tied up in how…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Trust Your Parent Gut

The following article shares highlights and insights from one of our Expert Series events, which are exclusive for Young Scholars and their parents.  Trusting one’s “Parent Gut” when raising a gifted child can be…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Tools for Practicing Joy and Building Your Emotional Vocabulary

Expanding a child’s emotional vocabulary has been a long-recommended practice in the gifted and twice-exceptional community. These children often experience asynchronous development which may mean feeling intense emotions at a young age with very…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Characteristics of intellectually advanced young people

This brief list offers some common characteristics of highly intelligent young people. Please keep in mind that this list is not comprehensive in that each young person has individual traits and interests. Profoundly gifted…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Tips for Low Stress Holidays for Gifted Families

This year may be quieter than previous holidays as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect families across the country. This may mean that trip to the in-laws’ house is canceled this year, and it…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Helping Your Gifted Child Adjust to Middle School

This article outlines tips for parents of gifted students regarding the transition from elementary school into middle school. Author: Pierson Yecke, C. Publications: Digest of Gifted Research Publisher: Duke University Talent Identification Program Volume: Vol. 7, No. 3…

Gifted Parenting and Strategies

Avoiding, Reversing & Handling Underachievement in Gifted Students

Today we are revisiting a number of Davidson Gifted “Tips for Parents” articles related to that all-too-common phenomenon in the gifted world – underachievement. Doing Poorly on Purpose: Underachievement and the Quest for Dignity…

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