Davidson Gifted Blog
The DSM-5 and Asperger’s
This article discusses the effects of the latest edition of the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and its effects on those with Asperger’s Syndrome. Author: 2e Newsletter Editorial Team Publications: 2e Newsletter Year: May/June…
A Kick Start to Summer Camps
In this article, Bob Schultz provides a few suggestions given by gifted students on their summer camp experiences, and what they look for in a summer camp. Author: Schultz, B. Organization: National Association for…
Writing Transcripts: Excerpt from “Forging Paths: Beyond Traditional Schooling”
This excerpt from “Forging Paths: Beyond Traditional Schooling”, by Wes Beach, takes a look at a number of examples of high school transcripts. Author: Beach, W. Year: 2012 Writing Transcripts In California and more…
Living With Intensity – Overexcitabilities in Profoundly Gifted Children
This Tips for Parents article is from a seminar hosted by Dr. Susan Daniels. She began the seminar by addressing the complex nature of the gifted child and provided the Columbus Group (1991) definition…
Costs and Benefits of Family Involvement in Homework
This paper presents the results of three 2-year longitudinal interventions of the Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS) homework program in elementary mathematics, middle school language arts, and middle school science. The findings suggest…
Preparing Your 2e Child for the Transition to College
In this article, two professionals who help twice-exceptional students and their families make the transition to college provide numerous strategies. Author: Eisner, W. & Wanzenberg, M. Publisher: 2e Newsletter Year: July/August 2010 This is…
Conversations with Teachers on the Benefits and Challenges of Online Learning for Gifted Students
This article provides research involving the role of student-student interaction and the use of multimedia and technological tools in effective online education for gifted students. Author: Thomson, D. Publications: Gifted Child Today Publisher: SAGE…
Twice Exceptional Students: Who They Are and What They Need
This comprehensive article focuses on one of the most overlooked and underserved student populations – twice-exceptional (2e) students or those who demonstrate both intellectual giftedness and specific learning disabilities. Although there has been a…
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