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Tips for Students: Developing Effective Resumes: Advocating for Your Experiences

Highlights from Expert Series

The following article shares highlights and insights from one of our Expert Series events, which are exclusive for Young Scholars and their parents.


Your resume and cover letter are important ways to talk about your experiences. Both play an important role in landing a scholarship, volunteer position or job. This topic is forced on making sure you have relevant information on both items so the reader can focus on the most important aspects of your experiences. Tell your “why” through your cover letter, and show them your experiences through your resume. As additional step in the process is to make a personal connection with your protentional employer or volunteer supervisor. This means reaching out for more information and sending a thank you. It is the little touches that set you apart.

Top Tips

1. Cover Letter: Write a cover letter! Brag about the items on your resume. This is your time to share why you are interested in the job and go in depth about your experiences. Make sure to introduce yourself. Mention the job (or kind of job) you’re applying for (or looking for) and show that your skills and experience match the skills and experience needed to do the job.

2. Resume: Make sure to section your resume into relevant categories like Education, Volunteer Experience, Work Experience, Projects, Awards and Hobbies.

3. Connecting with Employers: Always reach out for an informational interview. Follow up after submitting your materials if you do not receive an automatic confirmation. Always send a thank you note or email.

Additional Resources


  • @wonsulting


  • @careersdonewrite
  • @cultivitae


Authored by: Monika Mala
Bio: Monika serves as the Chief Operating Officer at Foster Success. In this role she leads the Foster Success team in growing scalable, measurable solutions that support the successful transition of youth and young adults from foster care into adulthood. She leads and supports program directors and office support staff, working in areas of K-12 & post-secondary education, workforce development, health and well-being, financial capability, housing, and youth engagement. She oversees all hiring and onboarding of staff members and human resources policies for the organization. Monika is also certified in the Myers-Briggs and Strong Interest Inventory assessments. Both help individuals better understand their strengths and guide them to careers that they mind fulfilling. Monika has her Ph.D. in Education with an emphasis in Equity and Diversity. Her dissertation work is focused on the knowledge and skills of Mexican-American students from low-income backgrounds, in hopes to better inform higher education policies and practices. 


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