Deeper Dive
Because my work is in pure mathematics, it likely is not as directly applicable to the real world as some other projects may be. Nevertheless, it is possible that my project, or the ideas contained in it, could have applications to science; specifically, in fluid mixing. It also could help serve as an inspiration to other students to show them that they too could do novel, interesting research in math, even while still in high school.
I have been homeschooled throughout my pre-college years. This gave me the freedom to be less encumbered by busywork than I likely would have been had I gone to normal school. Not only did my mother homeschool me, she also helped facilitate educational opportunities for me in various subjects. In particular, my parents found a Math Circle at a nearby university for me to attend. The professor who ran the Math Circle ended up helping me unofficially audit several advanced math classes over the years, giving me unusual mathematical avenues and opportunities.