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150 results for “twice exceptional”

Gifted, ADHD, or Both?

Gifted, ADHD, or Both? Both gifted identification and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis have been hot button issues that have circulated within the education community for several decades.…

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It Takes a Team – Building Positive Relationships with Your Child’s Educators

The following article shares highlights and insights from one of our Expert Series events, which are exclusive for Young Scholars and their parents. While we know that complex learners do…

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Guides to Gifted Friendships and Social Skills

Guides to Gifted Friendships and Social Skills Home Resource Library Free Gifted Resources & Guides Guides to Gifted Friendships and Social Skills Resources to Help Families Navigate Gifted…

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An Educator’s Guide to Gifted Children

An Educator’s Guide to Gifted Children PDF Version I am intense I am asynchronous I am misunderstood I am gifted! I am…intense. Intensity defines me. The further along…

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Guides to Advocating for Gifted Children at School

Guides to Advocating for Gifted Children at School Home Resource Library Free Gifted Resources & Guides Guides to Advocating for Gifted Children at School Resources to Help with…

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Free Gifted Resources & Guides

Free Gifted Resources & Guides Explore some of our most sought-after resources for gifted students, families, and educators. A student working at her desk Explore Resources by Topic…

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Friendship and the Gifted Child (and the Pandemic)

The following article shares highlights and insights from one of our Expert Series events, which are exclusive for Young Scholars and their parents. It can be hard not to worry…

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What is Giftedness?

The Definition & Meaning of Being Gifted Children who are gifted are defined as those who demonstrate an advanced ability or potential in one or more specific areas…

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Parenting Gifted Children: Challenges & Tips

Parenting any child comes with its highs and lows, but when raising a gifted child, the highs might look like Mt. Everest and lows like the Mariana Trench!…

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Gifted Kids: What You Should Know

Gifted kids — they’re not all Hermione or little Sherlocks that we can easily point out in a crowd. (Although, okay, some are like that too!)  While many…

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Boredom: A Surprisingly Interesting Topic

This article provides advice on intervention parents can take when their twice exceptional child complains of boredom in school. Author: Yermish, A. Publications: 2e Newsletter Year: March 2008…

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A Parent’s Perspective: The Unexpected Journey of a Lifetime

THE UNEXPECTED JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME: 13 Years of Public School with a Twice-Exceptional Son and the Things I Wish I’d Known at the Beginning Son, what’s our…

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