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105 results for “acceleration”

Gifted Distance Learning Schools and Programs

Below is an alphabetical listing of highly gifted distance learning schools and programs. Gifted students can use these online options to enrich their education or enroll in fulltime…

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Davidson Database – eNews-Updates Distributed every other month, the eNews-Update contains the latest gifted education news, state-by-state gifted updates, Davidson Institute news, gifted resources and articles, and more!…

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Genius Denied

Genius Denied: How to Stop Wasting our Brightest Young Minds With all the talk of failing schools these days, we forget that schools can fail their brightest students,…

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Gifted Education and Support Options

Many families hold the belief that, somewhere out there, there must be one specific school that is a gifted utopia. The reality is that gifted students have thrived…

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Gifted Traits and Characteristics

Characteristics and Traits of Gifted Children Gifted children often stand out. Whether you are a parent, an educator, or a student, you are likely here because you have…

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Is My Child Gifted?

Determining whether or not your child is gifted is no easy task. As you have likely already discovered, there are a plethora of definitions, characteristics, assessments, theories –…

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Supporting Gifted Preschoolers

Parents of gifted babies or gifted toddlers may feel like they are at a loss when it comes to supporting their unique children. Formal research on gifted individuals…

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Frequently Asked Questions: Profoundly Gifted Students & Gifted Education

These questions and answers have been compiled over the past decade during which the the Davidson Institute has worked to fulfill its mission to recognize, nurture and support…

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Basic educational options for gifted students in schools

Joyce VanTassel-Baska explores the options available to educators for working with gifted children by offering strategies to employ with gifted students to prevent them from being bored in…

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Gifted Chatter: Some of our Favorite Gifted Podcast Episodes

Today we are taking a look at some of our favorite podcast episodes related to gifted education. See a selection below: TiLT Parenting Podcast – “Terry Roberts, PhD,…

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Searching for Gifted Utopia

What would the perfect school look like to you? Do you picture a public school with resourceful teachers and administrators? Do you picture a private school with rigorous…

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Elementary Years for the Gifted: Patterns, Strategies, Encouraging Growth

Outside of the profoundly gifted (PG) world, it seems like everyone assumes that elementary school is the “easy” time. Most students are in school full time, so there…

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