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103 results for “acceleration”

Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate – Which is Best for Gifted Students?

Comparing Goodness of Fit for Gifted Students: AP vs IB In 2011, Jay Mathews, the noted Washington Post education columnist, led a Davidson seminar comparing goodness of fit…

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How to explain IQ testing to your gifted child

This article explains how parents can explain the results of IQ testing as part of a gifted identification evaluation through the school. Author: Post, G. Publisher: Gifted Challenges…

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Discovering highly gifted students

This article by Jan Hansen discusses the history and methods of above-level testing. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a test commonly used for above-level testing because it…

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Eight considerations for mathematically talented youth

This article explores things to consider for the mathematics curriculum for students who are talented in math. Subject acceleration is explored and SMPY is discussed. Authored by Julian…

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Gifted Summer Programs: Residential

This list presents residential summer programs available to students across the nation. Links to websites are provided so that parents and students may investigate more about an individual program.…

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Tips for Teachers: Successful strategies for teaching gifted learners

This article by the Davidson Institute offers a list of tips for teachers. It focuses on suggestions any teacher can use in the classroom to aid their gifted…

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Roles in Gifted Education: A Parent’s Guide

This article offers parents in the “gifted world” a wealth of information on the staff and administrators that can help them and their students navigate the gifted experience.…

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2e Guidebook Resources and Bibliography

These references are part of a Davidson Institute’s guidebook, Twice Exceptionality: A Resource Guide for Parents. This list is divided by section. Under each section, you will find:  …

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The Best-Kept Secret in Gifted Education: Above-Level Testing

This article covers the topic of above-level testing. Author: Shoplik, A. Publisher: Belin-Blank Center Year: 2016 The secret of above-level testing is really not much of a secret. It’s used extensively…

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Educational Options for Gifted Learners

This article includes some of the educational options for gifted learners that have proven effective for exceptionally bright young people. Some of these options include acceleration, credit by…

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Finding the Appropriate Educational Environment for Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Children

This article provides strategies designed to help parents navigate the convoluted public education system and ultimately find the appropriate educational environment for their child. Author: Postma, M. Publisher:…

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Tips for parents of gifted children: What most parents wish they had known

In this article, Dr. Gail Post provides some general guidelines many parents of gifted children may have wished they had previously known. Author: Post, G. Publisher: Gifted Challenges Year:…

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