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105 results for “acceleration”

Finding the Appropriate Educational Environment for Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Children

This article provides strategies designed to help parents navigate the convoluted public education system and ultimately find the appropriate educational environment for their child. Author: Postma, M. Publisher:…

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Tips for parents of gifted children: What most parents wish they had known

In this article, Dr. Gail Post provides some general guidelines many parents of gifted children may have wished they had previously known. Author: Post, G. Publisher: Gifted Challenges Year:…

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Tips for Parents: Advocacy and Working with Your Child’s School

This Tips for Parents article, authored by Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik, Ph.D., is from a seminar she hosted exclusively for Young Scholar parents. She provides numerous strategies on how to…

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Developing Mathematical Talent

This Tips for Parents article is authored by Richard Rusczyk from a seminar he hosted for Young Scholar families. He discusses his experiences in sharing mathematics with students…

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Twice Exceptional Students: Who They Are and What They Need

This comprehensive article focuses on one of the most overlooked and underserved student populations – twice-exceptional (2e) students or those who demonstrate both intellectual giftedness and specific learning…

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Understanding Parental Guilt: A Gift for Mother’s Day

This Tips for Parents article authored by Dr. Sylvia Rimm is from a seminar she hosted for Young Scholar families on parental guilt. Introduction In surveying the participants…

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A Unique Challenge: Sorting Out the Differences Between Giftedness and Asperger’s Disorder

All-too-often, well-meaning individuals urge parents to seek referrals for psychological evaluation without considering or understanding the typical characteristics of gifted children or the impact of intellectual ability on…

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Parenting Math-Talented Students

This Tips for Parents article is authored by Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik from a seminar she hosted for Young Scholar families. She discusses the many aspects of parenting a math-talented…

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Testing Your Gifted Child: A Springboard for Effective Advocacy

This article describes how testing can be an ally when advocating for a gifted student. Author: Gilman, B. Organization: Duke University Talent Identification Program Year: 2008 For the…

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Dual Enrollment: The Right Challenge

This article by Gera Witte discusses the option of dual enrollment in college for gifted and talented students once they have exhausted all of the options available at…

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Tips for Parents: What we Know from Longitudinal Studies of E/PG Children

This Tips for Parents article is from a seminar hosted by Miraca Gross, who provides new data on very early developmental advancement and the influence of sound educational…

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Educators Corner: The Truth About Social and Emotional: Aspects of Grade Skipping

One of the least expensive accommodations a school can use to meet the needs of a gifted student is grade-skipping. If a self-contained gifted program is not available,…

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