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103 results for “acceleration”

Portfolio: An effective way to present your child to the school

This article by Christine Neville is a guide and “How To” for parents on creating a portfolio that will demonstrate specific abilities, developmental needs, and valid, concrete data…

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Exceptionally gifted children: Different minds

Note: It’s important to note that this is an older article, so the score ranges that it discusses reference older versions of intelligence tests. Many modern intelligence tests…

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University-based Talent Searches for the Gifted

This article by Mark DeLong describes the four university-based regional talent search programs, including the states they serve and the states in which they offer programs. The difference…

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Selection of Candidates for Early Admission to Kindergarten and First Grade

This article by Nancy Robinson and Linda Weimer explains that children learn best when challenged appropriately at a level they are ready for. It suggests strategies for parents…

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Differentiating curriculum for gifted students

This article by Sandra L. Berger discusses how gifted students “need an appropriately differentiated curriculum designed to address their individual characteristics, needs, abilities, and interests. It is difficult…

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Understanding and encouraging the exceptionally gifted

This article by Bruce Kline and Elizabeth Meckstroth defines several pervasive characteristics and needs of exceptionally gifted children. It also identifies some corresponding options to nurture their sense…

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The joys and challenges in raising a gifted child

This article by Nancy Delano Moore details a mother’s experiences trying to access appropriate educational options for her profoundly gifted daughter. In particular, the author defends the practice…

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