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Upcoming Events

The Davidson Institute hosts and attends numerous conferences and events throughout the year, both in-person and virtual. Some of the events listed below are for Davidson program participants only, while others are open to the public. We would be happy to make your acquaintance at one of them!

August 26, 2024

Young Scholar Application Q&A
Finding out your child is profoundly gifted or twice-exceptional can be confusing and overwhelming. It may not be clear where to go to find resources to support your child. The Davidson Institute’s Young Scholar Program is here for you and your family.

If you have questions about what the Young Scholars Program is or how we can support your student, please consider attending an Application Q&A session Monday, August 26, , 2024 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time.

November 21-24, 2024

NAGC24 Annual Convention
Invigorate your passion for educating gifted and high-potential students at NAGC24, November 21-24, in Seattle, WA. You’re invited to join more than 2,000 educators, gifted coordinators, psychologists, researchers, and caregivers as they gather to share best practices for supporting high-ability children.

Explore the future of gifted education with hands-on workshops, inspiring keynote sessions, and hundreds of innovative sessions filled with proven strategies you can use today and thought-provoking ideas for the classrooms of tomorrow!

Take time to connect, discover, and experience the energy of your gifted education community—all at NAGC24!