Free Gifted Resources & Guides
Explore some of our most sought-after resources for gifted students, families, and educators.
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Free Gifted Guidebooks
Our extensive guides written by the Davidson Institute professionals have been specially designed to assist families in finding the most appropriate educational setting for their exceptionally bright child.
Looking for Individualized Support?
One of the benefits of the Young Scholars program includes access to our family support sessions that can help you navigate the gifted world.

Is Your Child Gifted?
Determining whether or not your child is gifted is no easy task. The Davidson Institute has prepared quick references to help parents identify gifted traits, find testing options, and more.
Davidson Gifted Blog
Check out the latest expert articles from the Davidson Institute. Our blog covers everything - gifted education and support, parenting strategies for gifted children, social and emotional resources, gifted testing and identification, and more.
Tips for Parents: The Gifted Brain: Strengthening Executive Functioning and Future Thinking
The following article expands on highlights and insights from one…

Buyer Beware: How to Navigate the Maze of Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Resources
The article warns parents of gifted and twice-exceptional children to…

Tips for Students: A Whirlwind History of Fashion – and Why it Matters
The following article expands on highlights and insights from one…

Tips for Parents: The Joy of Adventure
The following article expands on highlights and insights from one…