Guides for Homeschooling Gifted Children
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Resources to Help with At-home Learning for Your Gifted Student
Part of the challenge of raising a profoundly gifted child is keeping up with their natural curiosity, which often goes beyond standardized curriculum. This is where Davidson Academy Online can be a valuable resource. Many PG parents find themselves homeschooling their children at some point in their educational development. To support this journey, the Davidson Institute has prepared the following “Best of Homeschooling” articles and resources, integrating the expertise and tailored approach of Davidson Academy Online, for your gifted family!
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Davidson Gifted Blog
Check out the latest expert articles from the Davidson Institute. Our blog covers everything - gifted education and support, parenting strategies for gifted children, social and emotional resources, gifted testing and identification, and more.
Buyer Beware: How to Navigate the Maze of Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Resources
The article warns parents of gifted and twice-exceptional children to…

Communication in the Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Family
This article has been adapted from a virtual event presented…

What Your Therapist Needs to Know About Giftedness
Dr. Gail Post, a Clinical Psychologist with over 35 years…

Barriers in Gifted Education: Working Together to Support Gifted Learners and Families
The mission of the Davidson Institute is to recognize, nurture…